- 90 мягких желатиновых капсул
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Что такое Black Garlic Digestiv и для чего он используется?
BLACK GARLIC DIGESTIV капсулы содержат шесть экстрактов, активные вещества которых действуют синегирчески и облегчают расстройства пищеварения. Ромашка, домашняя мята, тмин, дягиль и розмарин расслабляют гладкую мускулатуру желудочно-кишечного тракта и уменьшают образование газов. Ферментированный чеснок вместе с ромашкой и тмином стимулирует перистальтику кишечника и ускоряет выведение газов, а также его употребление рекомендуется при замедленной дефекации ("ленивом кишечнике"), запорах (затрудненном опорожении) и запорах. Антимикробная активность ферментированного чеснока и гастропротекторный эффект оливкового масла приводят к регуляции воспалений слизистой оболочки желудка и кишечника.
Упомянутые растительные экстракты также помогают при растройствах пищеварения, таких как функциональная диспепсия,синдром раздраженного кишечника и гастрит, уменьшая боли в желудке, чувство полноты в желудке, метеоризм, спазмы пищеварения, отрыжку, тошноту и изжогу.
Масляный экстракт ферментированных луковиц чеснока в оливковом масле, масляный экстракт цветков ромашки в оливковом масле, масляный экстракт листьев мяты перечной в оливковом масле, масляный экстракт плода тмина в оливковом масле, масляный экстракт корня дягилья в оливковом масле, масляный экстракт листьев розмарина в оливковом масле, говяжий желатин, влагоудерживающее вещество: глицерин, очищенная вода, антислеживатель: диоксид- кремния, антиоксидант: DL-a-токоферол-ацетат, краситель: растительный уголь.
1. Масляный экстракт ферментированных луковиц чеснока в оливковом масле;
2. Масляный экстракт цветков ромашки в оливковом масле;
3. Масляный экстракт листьев мяты перечной в оливковом масле;
4. Масляный экстракт плода тмина в оливковом масле;
5. Масляный экстракт корня дягилья в оливковом масле;
6. Масляный экстракт листьев розмарина в оливковом масле;
В Black Garlic Digestiv препарате ферментированный чеснок играет роль антиоксиданта, противовоспалительного и гастропротекторного средства, уменьшая воспалительную инфекцию слизистой оболочки желудка и кишечника и регенерируя её. Может быть рекомендован в качестве дополнительной терапии при лечении гастрита в качестве профилактического средства у лиц, имеющих положительный семейный анамнез аутоимунных, воспалительных заболеваний кишечника, таких как болезнь Крона и ульцероз, колит, а также при язвах на желудке и двенадцатиперстной кишке, что вызвано применением нестероидных противовоспалительных лекарств (НПВП), таких как индометацин, ибупрофен, диклофенак.
Что доступно?
Black Garlic Digestiv препарат выпускается в форме мягкий желатиновых капсул.
Упаковки, доступные на рынке:
– В упаковке 90 мягких желатиновых капсул;
Специальные технологии ферментации и инкапсуляции отвечают за получение продукции высочайшего качества. Вся продукция из линейки бренда AlivitPharm изготовлена в соответствии с принципами НАССР и принципами ISO 9001:2015 стандарта.
Как использовать Black Garlic Digestiv капсулы?
Людям старше 12 лет рекомендуется принимать по одной капсуле три раза в день, во время или после еды. Капсулу проглотить с жидкостью. Black Garlic Digestiv капсулы необходимо принимать в течение длительного времени.
1. Рекомендуемая суточная доза не должна превышаться.
2. Продукт не предназначен для лиц моложе 12 лет, беременным и кормящим женщинам.
3. Продукт не должен использоваться людьми с повышенной чувствительностью к любому из ингредиентов продукта.
4. Люди, принимающие лекарства, должны проконсультироваться с врачом, прежде чем принимать Black Garlic Digestiv капсулы.
5. Продукт нельзя принимать с лекарствами, препятствующими свертыванию крови.
6. Перед плановой операцией необходимо прекратить приём Black Garlic Digestiv мягких капсул.
Информация об аллергенах
Black Garlic Digestiv не содержит глютен.
Milena Starčevica –
I just want to praise this product that I have been using for the last month, and which has helped me to solve problems with bloating and digestion. What I liked the most is that it is composed of natural ingredients and doesn’t contain suspicious substances. Besides, one package contains 90 capsules, which is enough for a month. I have noticed that my appetite has improved and I feel less bloated after meals. Only natural, and that’s it.
Gordana –
All praise for this product… I have a mild form of gastritis and I regularly took Controloc tablets. After a recommendation from a colleague who uses this product herself, I started taking it. Here, after 45 days of disciplined use of these capsules, I only took one Contoloc tablet (ĐURĐEVDAN :)). And most importantly, everything is on a natural basis… This black garlic is a miracle!
Jelena –
Excellent product, highly recommended! Due to numerous problems related to the improper functioning of the digestive system, such as gastritis, dyspepsia, and even Helicobacter pylori, I struggled for years despite regular and long-term therapies provided by doctors. On the recommendation of a friend, I got Digestiv Black Garlic capsules and already after finishing the first bottle of capsules, my condition improved significantly: I have heartburn less and less, flatulence is reduced, and as far as gas elimination is concerned, this preparation is extremely effective! Due to an irregular lifestyle and age, I am aware that my problems will not be easily solved, but with small changes in the way of eating and with Digestiv capsules made of black garlic, which I still intend to use, I am convinced that they will decrease over time! These capsules really have a beneficial effect on the entire digestive tract and are very practical to use, since they are in the form of gel capsules, so if necessary, they can be swallowed without water (which happened to me several times). I highly recommend your product to my friends who have similar problems.
Svetlana –
I started taking this product two weeks ago because of a long-standing problem with flatulence. After only a week, I noticed that I was better. I’ll keep taking it!
Bojana –
I am delighted with this product, after a week I felt an improvement. Abdominal bloating and stomach pain are gone. For every recommendation!
Zorica –
This product is for every recommendation! I struggled with stomach problems for months, I went for numerous examinations where the doctors told me that everything was fine and that they did not know what the problem was. One day at the pharmacy, the pharmacist recommended Digestiv to me and said that this is all on a natural basis and that the plants are grown here under controlled conditions. I decided to try it out, and really after arounnd ten days, I felt better. I am overjoyed because I’ve finally discovered that there is a product that solved my problem!
Jelica –
I have tried many products in the fight against flatulence, the pharmacist recommended this one. I can say that it was the only one who helped me right away. I will continue to take it because it is completely pleasing to my body!
Petar –
Digestiv really helped me with the digestive problems I had for years. I often faced bloating, gas and a feeling of heaviness after eating. Since I’ve been using Digestiv, I have noticed a huge difference in my digestive health.
Zoran –
I started taking Digestiv on the doctor’s recommendation. I was supposed to have an ultrasound of the abdomen, and the doctor told me to start taking this preparation before the scanning, to neutralize the gases. The product was extremely pleasant to me when I took it before the examination, all the discomforts including nausea, bloating and indigestion have disappeared, so I will continue to take it as a preventive measure.
Filipa –
My friend brought me Digestiv because she knows how often I complain about bloating in my stomach. Because of her, I decided to try it, I can say that I am very happy, because after only ten days of use, the bloating decreased. I also didn’t have any stomach problems because of the garlic.
Ines –
I had problems with cramps for a long period of time, nothing helped me, the doctors said that everything was fine, but I was not well. The pharmacist recommended Digestiv to me as a natural supplement. Hoping that it would help me, I started to take it. I felt better immediately and that’s why I take it regularly.
Mila –
Only Digestiv solves my bloating problems. Since I take it regularly, my stomach is flat.
Tijana –
Since I’ve been taking Digestiv, I finally have a flat stomach. The cramps have stopped and I feel great.
Bozidar –
After having problems with digestion for months, I decided to try Digestiv, and it was one of the best decisions for my health. Previously, I often felt bloating and discomfort after meals, but since I’ve been using this supplement, these complaints have become rare. I noticed that my stomach copes with different types of food much faster and more easily, and the frequency of heartburn has also decreased. I highly recommend it to anyone struggling with similar problems.
Jagoda –
My stomach often hurt, because of that I took various medicines and supplements and nothing helped. That’s why a few months ago the pharmacist recommended Digestiv, a natural product without preservatives. I started taking it and felt improvement very quickly! Thanks to this product, I feel better and that’s why I recommend it to everyone!
Ilija –
The pharmacist prescribed Digestiv to me because she knows that I have tried all kinds of products to solve my problems with flatulence and stomach cramps. She explained to me that this is a natural product, which will surely help me. I started taking it, and I really felt improvement after ten days. From now on, I don’t go anywhere without Digestiv!
Snezana –
I saw this preparation on an advertisement. Since I have a problem with flatulence, I decided to buy it. I’m leaving a picture as a proof of how much it helped me, and I’m very happy about it!
Branka –
A friend recommended me these tablets for a flat stomach, because she knows how many problems I have with bloating. I went to the pharmacy to buy it and on the way I asked what other preparations they had, so I also bought Hepato Care. I can say that they are excellent, because the first thing that worried me, which is that there is no smell, is really so, and the second and most important thing is that I solved the problem with bloating and I finally have a flat stomach!
Milena –
As someone who has been struggling with bloating and stomach discomfort for a long time, I can safely say that Digestiv has changed my life. Since I started using this supplement, I have noticed a significant reduction in bloating and the feeling of heaviness after meals. Digestiv works quickly and efficiently, and most importantly, it is completely natural and does not cause side effects. In my everyday life this has become an essential part of the routine, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone facing similar problems. Digestiv is really a product that fulfills its promises!
Jadranka –
Digestiv is for every recommendation. I’ve been drinking it for two months now and my problems with stomach pain and bloating have stopped. It is a completely natural preparation, there is no unpleasant smell after consumption, and what is most important, there are no unwanted effects.