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Что такое Black Garlic Cardio Plus и для чего он используется?
BLACK GARLIC CARDIO PLUS содержит виды растений, которые помогают поддерживать нормальную работу сердечно-сосудистой системы и предотвращают сердечную недостаточность. Ферментированный чеснок обладает выраженым антиокидантным действием, защищает клетки миокарда от окислительного стресса, нормализует уровень общего ЛПНП и ЛПВП холестерина, поддерживает нормальный уровень гомоцистеина. Лист и цветок боярышника улучшают кровоснабжение сердечной мышцы и приток кислорода к сердечным клеткам, повышают силу сердечных сокращений, влияют на нормализацию сердечного ритма, а вместе с белой омелой снижают повышенное артериальное давление.
Этот препарат специально предназначен для людей, у которых уже есть гиперхолестеринемия (повышенный уровень холестерина), некоторые формы сердечной недостаточности (ослабление сердечного ритма), а также гипертония (повышенное кровяное давление), но также может использоваться здоровыми людми, особенно теми, с положительным семейным анамнезом сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний.
Масляный экстракт ферментированных луковиц чеснока в соевом масле, масляный экстракт цветков с листьями белого и красного боярышника в соевом масле, масляный экстракт травы омелы белой в соевом масле, антиоксидант: витамин Е, говяжий желатин, увлажнитель: глицерин, очищенная вода, антислеживатель: диоксид кремния, краситель: растительный уголь.
1. Масляный экстракт ферментированных луковиц чеснока в соевом масле;
2. Масляный экстракт цветков с листьями белого и красного боярышника в соевом масле;
3. Масляный экстракт травы омелы белой в соевом масле;
Активные ингредиенты ранее описанных растений добываются использованием соевого масла, играющего важную роль в сохранении здоровья сердечно-сосудистой системы. Фитоэстрогены из сои оказывают положительное влияние на липидный профиль, снижая уровень плохого (ЛПНП) и повышая уровень хорошего (ЛПВП) холестерина.
Что доступно?
Black Garlic Cardio Plus препарат выпускается в форме мягкий желатиновых капсул.
Упаковки, доступные на рынке:
– В упаковке 90 мягких желатиновых капсул;
Специальные технологии ферментации и инкапсуляции отвечают за получение продукции высочайшего качества. Вся продукция из линейки бренда AlivitPharm изготовлена в соответствии с принципами НАССР и принципами ISO 9001:2015 стандарта.
Как использовать Black Garlic Cardio Plus капсулы?
Лицам старше 18 лет рекоменуется принимать по две капсулы три раза в день, во время или после еды. Капсулу проглотить с жидкостью. Продукт также может использоваться людми, страдающими сахарным диабетом.
1. Рекомендуемая суточная доза не должна превышаться.
2. Продукт не предназначен для лиц моложе 18 лет, беременным и кормящим женщинам, а также при острых воспалительных состояниях и туберкулозе.
3. Продукт не должен использоваться людьми с повышенной чувствительностью к любому из ингредиентов продукта.
4. Люди, принимающие лекарства, должны проконсультироваться с врачом, прежде чем принимать Black Garlic Cardio Plus капсулы.
5. Продукт нельзя принимать с лекарствами, препятствующими свертыванию крови.
6. Особая осторожность требуется у пациентов, которые принимают дигоксин, бета-блокаторы или антиаритмические средства в своей терапии, и мы советуем Вам проконсультироваться с врачом или фармацевтом в случае любой сердечной терапии.
7. После четырех месяцев использования этого препарата необходимо сделать перерыв в один месяц.
Информация об аллергенах
Black Garlic Cardio Plus сою и не содержит глютен.
Petar –
After a long-standing problem with high cholesterol and triglycerides and years of using Paravano and other medications to reduce them, I was not getting the desired results, i.e. reference values. Fearing for my health and the side effects of long-term use of medical drugs, I decided to use natural products. Knowing that garlic has been a natural remedy since ancient times, I found information on the Internet that fermented garlic products were available, so I bought the Cardio Plus product at the pharmacy and used it for a month. The results were a little better, so I decided to continue with this product. After two months, I took the results again and saw that my cholesterol and triglycerides had returned to reference values after many years.
Marina, Beograd –
It’s an understatement to say that I’m thrilled with the product. After a long time, my cholesterol and triglyceride levels are finally within reference values, after just 3 months of using the product. I use it regularly, I’ve reduced the dose of the medications I use, and I’ve totally stopped taking one medication. Every recommendation for this product that has changed my life.
Branislav 71 –
This brought my triglycerides back to normal after 5 years. I bought this Cardio in Bijeljina at a pharmacy, they recommended it to me because I asked for something natural, because I have bone problems, so the doctor recommended that I combine natural products. Now I have ordered three more bottles because the delivery is free.
Darko –
Dear all, I would like to share my experience with Cardio Plus. I am 65 years old and have been suffering from high blood pressure for a long time. I must say that I am pleasantly surprised by the results. After a few weeks of regular use, my blood pressure has gradually stabilized, and I feel much better. I recommend Cardio Plus to everyone who has similar problems.
Jelena –
I would like to share my experience with Cardio Plus. I am 39 years old and recently I have noticed that I have been experiencing occasional high blood pressure, probably due to stress at work. After I started using this supplement on the recommendation of a friend, I noticed a significant improvement. My condition has stabilized, and my blood pressure is often within the normal range. I recommend Cardio Plus to anyone who is facing similar challenges in maintaining their health.
Vasilije –
I have been dealing with high blood pressure for some time. It often made me feel tired, dizzy, and sometimes even had headaches. My job as a construction worker requires a lot of physical exertion, and it was not pleasant when I experienced these symptoms during the workday. After researching possible options for regulating my blood pressure, I decided to try Black Garlic Cardio Plus. After a few weeks of use, I started to notice changes. First, my blood pressure gradually decreased and stabilized within the normal range. I felt less tired and much more energetic during the day. My headaches decreased significantly, and my dizziness almost completely disappeared. I felt much better, which also had a positive effect on my productivity at work. Now, after several months of use, I can say that my health has improved significantly. I feel better than ever before, and my blood pressure is under control.
Drasko –
Due to a problem with high blood pressure that I couldn’t normalize even with medication, I bought this natural supplement on the recommendation of my doctor. After two weeks of use, I felt much better, my blood pressure was within normal limits. I am very satisfied and I recommend it to everyone!
Goran –
I take a lot of blood pressure medication, so the pharmacist recommended this natural product to me. I can’t thank her enough for that, because I noticed an immediate improvement, which is why I now recommend it to everyone!
Sinisa –
Cardio Plus has truly changed my approach to heart health. When I found out I had high blood pressure, I wanted to find a natural way to lower it. Cardio Plus was recommended to me and I couldn’t be more satisfied with the results. Taking this supplement has become part of my daily routine. There are no side effects, and the capsules are easy to swallow.
Tamara –
Excellent product! The pharmacist recommended it to me because I felt like I had a mild arrhythmia, and since I started taking it I feel great!
Olivera –
Cardio Plus is a recommendation for everyone. My doctor prescribed it for me along with the chronic therapy I take for high blood pressure. After just around ten days of use, I felt better, stronger. I am very satisfied!
Jelena –
Due to the high blood pressure, I had major problems with headaches, I received therapy, but I didn’t get any better. The pharmacist recommended Cardio Plus to me as a supplement to the existing therapy, I immediately felt the improvement. Since I’ve been taking it, I haven’t had any problems with headaches due to high blood pressure.
Mitar –
After the heart attack, the doctor prescribed Cardio Plus for me to take regularly along with my therapy. I have been taking this supplement for three months now and I am very satisfied with the results, I have more strength and I can move much more easily.
Niksa –
Ever since I’ve been taking Cardio Plus, I feel great. It is a natural product, which is why I started taking it, and I felt the results very quickly.
Dmitar –
I have been struggling with high blood pressure for years, so I started looking for natural solutions that could help me. A few months ago I started taking Cardio Plus, and I must say that I noticed a significant difference. My findings have stabilized and my blood pressure is now within normal limits. Besides that, I feel more energetic and have more will for daily activities. I love that this supplement is completely natural, and that it does not have the side effects that I have experienced with some prescription drugs. I recommend Cardio Plus to everyone.
Ljubica –
I have had high blood pressure for years, due to a genetic predisposition. I’ve never managed to solve that problem. One day at the pharmacy, the pharmacist recommended Cardio Plus, which is an all-natural product. I started taking it, and already after two weeks I felt an improvement. I feel that since I’ve been taking it, I have more strength, and finally my blood pressure is normal.
Dragisa –
I have had a problem with hypertension for years. I took various medicines, but I couldn’t fix it, I got a recommendation for this product. I noticed the results very quickly, which I really liked and that’s why I take it regularly.
Dimitrije –
I survived three heart attacks, because of that I started to take a lot of care about my health. At the pharmacy, I got a recommendation for Cardio Plus, which is a completely natural product without preservatives, which I can take with my regular therapy. I can say that I am very satisfied, that it really feels good and that I have much more strength since I’ve been taking it. I recommend it to everyone!
Vlastimir –
For a long time I struggled with high blood pressure and the constant stress that came with it. Although I tried different methods and medicines, I was not satisfied with the results, and the side effects were often unpleasant. That’s when I discovered Cardio Plus, a natural supplement made to regulate blood pressure. After only a few weeks of use, I noticed incredible changes. My blood pressure has stabilized, I feel calmer, and the headaches that used to bother me often have disappeared. What is the most important to me is that there are no negative effects.
Nikola –
I had a problem with high blood pressure for a long time, which started to affect my daily life. Constant fatigue, headaches and nervousness became part of my everyday life. The doctor recommended me Cardio Plus, also to take care of a healthy diet. I have been using Cardio Plus for three months now and the results are beyond my expectations! Already after the first few weeks, I noticed a stabilization of my blood pressure. The values gradually decreased and are now within normal limits. In addition, I feel much more energetic and calm, without those unpleasant symptoms I had before. Cardio plus is from me for every recommendation!
Zorana –
Due to the consequences I had due to high blood pressure, I received a recommendation for Cardio Plus. I decided to try it because it is a completely natural product and because I can use it with everyday medicines. Since I’ve been taking it, my blood pressure is normal and I have no side effects. Recommended for everyone!