Présentation de cas cliniques: Immuno Active

A 56-year-old patient, mother of two children, with a normal constitution, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The diagnosis was made 5 years ago and she was treated with tamoxifen at a dose of 20 mg, with regular breast and endometrial checks. After 5 years, a relapse occurs when the patient is referred to the medical council where she is prescribed biological therapy. During treatment with biological therapy, side effects occur, such as anemia, leukopenia (reduced number of leukocytes), as well as hypertension. Antihypertensives were prescribed, so the blood pressure was brought under control.
The panicked patient, either because of the diagnosis, or because of all the side effects of the therapy, comes to the pharmacy and asks for something that will help her to quickly raise her immune system, so that she can continue with the therapy of the underlying disease.
From the pharmacist at the pharmacy, she received a recommendation for the product Balck garlic Immuno active, the composition of which is very complex (it contains oil extracts of fermented garlic, black currant, wild rose and ginger, vitamin C, vitamin D3, zinc and selenium). The pharmacist explained to her that the fermented garlic (Black garlic) that is part of the product exhibits immunomodulatory (modifies the function of the immune system), antioxidant (neutralizes free radicals), anti-inflammatory (alleviates the inflammatory reaction) and antitumor effects and that Mrs. an ideal candidate for using this dietary supplement. An additional advantage of this product compared to other dietary supplements is that Black garlic Immuno active is in the form of soft gelatin capsules, and the biological availability of the active ingredients is much better from this pharmaceutical form.
She says that she eats a very varied diet and that she eats all the foods that raise the level of iron, and therefore hemoglobin (beets, eggs, green vegetables, liver), but she is not satisfied with the results.
She decided to listen to her pharmacist and start therapy, she was advised to drink the preparation 2×1 capsule and repeat her findings after a month.
At the beginning of therapy, her blood count looked like this:
Leukocytes 3.00 reference
values: 3.4-9.7 x109 g/L
Lymphocytes 55.70
reference values: 20-46 %
Monocytes 10.70 reference
values: 2-12 %
Granulocytes 22.60
reference values: 0-2 %
Erythrocytes: 3.37 reference
values: 3.86-5.08 x 1012 / L
Hemoglobin: 100 reference
values: 119-157 g/L
Hematocrit: 33.1 reference
values: 35.6-47 %
MCH: 35.9 reference values:
27.4-33.9 pg
MCHC: 36.6 reference
values: 320-345 g/L
RDW-CV: 11.3 reference
values: 9-15%
Platelets: 169 reference
values: 158-424 x 109 L
MPV: 7.5 reference values:
6.8-10.4 fL
MCV: 98.2 reference values:
83-97.2 fL
After a month of using the Black garlic Immuno active preparation, the blood count looked much better, and the patient felt significantly better.
Blood test results after just one month of using the product:
Leukocytes 3.40 reference values: 3.4-9.7 x109 g/L
Lymphocytes 53.80 reference values: 20-46 %
Monocytes 10.00 reference values: 2-12 %
Granulocytes 21.60 reference values: 0-2 %
Erythrocytes: 3.98 reference values: 3.86-5.08 x 1012 / L
Hemoglobin: 121 reference values: 119-157 g/L
Hematocrit: 38.5 reference values: 35.6-47 %
MCH: 36.7 reference values: 27.4-33.9 pg
MCHC: 37.9 reference values: 320-345 g/L
RDW-CV: 12.8 reference values: 9-15%
Platelets: 175 reference values: 158-424 x 109 L
MPV: 6.8 reference values: 6.8-10.4 fL
MCV: 96.7 reference values: 83-97.2 fL
She decided to continue the therapy for another two months, because it is the winter period, so she wants to protect her body from various infections.
She says that she tolerates the treatment for the underlying disease much better, is more functional, feels that she has more energy and can perform daily activities, which she could not do before because she felt weak and tired. Her check-up is only in 2 months, so we will know more about the success of the biological therapy.
She also decided to take the Black garlic Hepato care preparation, because the therapy prescribed for the underlying disease burdens the liver, so she wants to use this product to prevent the increase of liver enzymes.
As written at the very beginning, she is a mother of two children, and she read that the preparation can be used by children over 12 years old, so they will also take Balck garlic immuno active, soft capsules.