Immuno Active

(17 customer reviews)

39,0 KM

    • Powerful antioxidants.
    • Strengthen the weakened immune system.
    • Prevent the occurrence of upper respiratory tract infections.


  • BAM
  • EUR
  • USD
SKU: Immuno90 Category:
  • 90 soft gelatin capsules
  • Food supplement


What is Black Garlic Immuno Active and what is it used for?

BLACK GARLIC IMMUNO ACTIVE capsules contain plant species that are used to strengthen immunity, especially in sensitive categories: chronic patients, people under great psychophysical stress, people prone to frequent infections. Fermented garlic, blackberry fruit, wild rose fruit and ginger rhizome are powerful antioxidants with pronounced antimicrobial activity, which contribute to strengthening weakened immunity and prevention of cough, sore throat and inflammatory conditions of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and urinary system. Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant and has an important role in strengthening the immune system, it helps the absorption of iron, and thus the formation of erythrocytes. Vitamin D3 contributes to the normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus, the maintenance of normal bone and muscle function and plays a role in cell division. Zinc and selenium balance the hormonal status, which contributes to the strengthening and resistance of the body.



Oil extract of fermented garlic bulb in soybean oil, oil extract of black elderberry fruit in soybean oil, oil extract of ginger rhizome in soybean oil, oil extract of wild rose fruit in soybean oil, ascorbyl-palmitate, cholecalciferol, sodium-selenite, zinc-citrate-trihydrate, bovine gelatin, humectant: glycerol, purified water, anti-caking agent: silicon dioxide, antioxidant: DL-α-tocopheryl-acetate, color: vegetable charcoal.



1. Oil extract of fermented garlic bulb in soybean oil;
Oil extract of black elderberry fruit in soybean oil;
Oil extract of ginger rhizome in soybean oil;
Oil extract of wild rose fruit in soybean oil;
Vitamin C;
Vitamin D3;

In the preparation Black Garlic Immuno Active, fermented garlic plays the role of a strong antioxidant (neutralizes free radicals), anti-inflammatory (reduces the inflammatory reaction in the body) and immunomodulator (stimulates the immune system). Carriers of immunomodulatory action in fermented garlic are polysaccharides. The effect on the immune system of fresh and fermented garlic is reflected in the fact that they have the potential to reduce the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and to modify the reactions of the immune system by enhancing the immune response. In addition to the mentioned actions, fermented garlic has many times greater antimicrobial activity than fresh garlic, so it is effective in the fight against viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Exposure to viruses, bacteria and other pathogenic organisms is inevitable. However, the presence of these agents is not enough to cause the development of the disease itself. An individual’s sensitivity to viruses and bacteria depends precisely on his immune competence. Many factors can interfere with the proper functioning of the immune system, starting with lifestyle changes and environmental changes. Preclinical and clinical studies have proven that S-allyl-cysteine, which is found in fermented garlic, vitamin C, vitamin D3 and zinc shorten the duration of upper respiratory tract infections and reduce mortality in people suffering from severe forms of the COVID-19 infection. Fermented garlic is suggested as a useful preventive measure, not only against the COVID-19 infection, but also against other viral and bacterial infections. Due to its unique composition, the preparation Black Garlic Immuno Active acts as a strong enhancer of the immune system.


What is available?

Black Garlic Immuno Active preparation is in the form of soft gelatin capsules.

Packages available on the market:
– Package of 90 soft gelatin capsules;

A special technology of fermentation and extraction is responsible for obtaining high-quality oil extracts that contribute to the high effectiveness of our products. All products from the AlivitPharm brand line are made according to the HACCP principles and principles of the ISO 9001:2015 standard.


How to use Black Garlic Immuno Active capsules?

Adults are recommended to use one capsule twice a day, during or after a meal, while children over 12 years old are recommended to take one capsule a day. Swallow the entire capsule with liquid. Black Garlic Immuno Active capsules can be taken for a long time. The product is also intended for people suffering from diabetes.


Precaution and warnings

1. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.
2. The product is not intended for persons under the age of 12, pregnant and lactating women and people with impaired liver function.
3. The product must not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the product’s ingredients.
4. People taking medications should consult their physician before taking Black Garlic Immuno Active capsules.
5. The product must not be used together with medications that prevent blood clotting.
6. Before a scheduled operation, it is necessary to stop using Black Garlic Immuno Active soft capsules.


Allergens info

Black Garlic Immuno Active contains soy and is gluten free.

Weight 100 g

Reviews (17)

17 reviews for Immuno Active

  1. Adnan

    Pijem ovaj suplement već dva mjeseca, prošao sam zasad ovu sezonu gripe i virusa bez i jednog problema iako su oko mene ljudi bili bolesni i zaraženi. Uz to sam tek počeo da vježbam u teretani, prethodnih puta kada sam počinjao sa vježbanjem, imunitet mi je naglo padao, a ovoga puta nije došlo do toga. Zasad sam zadovoljan, ima u ovoj bočići za mjesec i pol, evo načeo sam drugu bočicu.

  2. Aleksandra, Banja Luka

    Nakon prebolovog kovida nikako nisam mogla svoj organizam da vratim u balans. Vrlo često sam bila bolesna, nijedna virusna infekcija me nije mogla zaobići. U apoteci sam dobila preporuku za ovaj preparat, uz savjet da ga moram uzimati duži vremenski period (3 mjeseca) da bih osjetila željeni efekat. Mogu da vam kažem da sam prezadovoljna. Vrlo rijetko se razbolim, vratila mi se snaga i imam mnogo više energije za svakodnevne obaveze. Uz to, iz razloga što patim i od alergija, ovo proljeće simptomi su mnogo blaži jer sam svoj imunitet tokom zime pripremila za borbu sa alergenima.
    Sve preporuke za ovaj preparat!

  3. Dijana

    Sve preporuke za ovaj proizvod.

  4. Ања

    Препарат “Имуно Актив” узимам последња два месеца и могу рећи да сам презадовољна. Лоша крвна слика, била сам уморна и раздражљива. Често сам изостајала са посла јер су ми деца из школе и вртића доносила разне вирусе. Стално сам била болесна, све док ми пријатељ није препоручио да пробам овај препарат. Могу вам рећи да ми се комплетна крвна слика поправила, посебно леукоцити који су били испод доње границе. Помогло ми је, препорука.

  5. Milena

    Svake godine kad odem na more imala sa problema sa imunitetom, odmah se razbolim. Ove godine pre puta sam dobila preporuku za ovaj preparat i pocela sam da ga pijem. Otisla sam na put i prvi put u zivotu sam uzivala tokom celog odmora! Za svaku preporuku!

  6. Bojan

    Dobio sam Immuno od prijatelja koji radi u apoteci jer zna da imam problem sa alergijom. Poceo sam da ga pijem pre mesec dana i zaista simptomi su se ublazili, obicno u ovo vreme mi krecu prvi simptomi ali zahvaljujuci njemu ja ih nemam!

  7. Lucija

    Odusevljena sam ovim suplementom. Simptomi prehlade nestali su u roku od tri dana kada sam krenula da ga pijem. Za svaku je preporuku!

  8. Nina

    Posto su svi u mom okruzenju bili prehladjeni, potrazila sam u apoteci neki prirodni preparat da se ne bih prehladila i da bih ojacala imunitet. Preporucili su mi Immuno active i prezadovoljna sam jer sam ostala zdrava!

  9. Anja

    Opet sam dobila koronu, zbog cega mi je doktor prepisao Immuno active. Vec sam je jednom prelezala i bilo me je strah da ce biti kao i tada bas lose. Medjutim kako sam pocela da pijem Immuno active svi simptomi su prestali, prelezala sam koronu kao blazu prehladu zahvaljujuci njemu.

  10. Lazar

    Preporuku za Immuno activ sam dobio jer sam se pozalio na alergiju. Receno mi je da ga pijem mesec dana pre nego sto krenu simptomi alergije, sto sam i uradio. Simptomi alergije su mi bili znatno blazi, sto mi mnogo znaci.

  11. Dana

    U apoteci je bila promocija ovih preparata. Receno mi je da je u pitanju prirodani suplementi. Konkretno ovaj sam kupila zato sto sam se mucila sa prehladom danima. Kako sam krenula da ga pijem posle tri dana moja prehlada je prestala. Odusevljena sam!

  12. Sara

    Immuno activ koristim jos od zimskog perioda. Odlican preparat jer od kada pijem nijednom se nisam razbolela.

  13. Nikolina

    Zbog slabog imuniteta, herpes mi se cesto pojavljivao. U apoteci sam dobila preporuku za Immuno active, pocela sam redovno da ga pijem. Mogu reci da od tada mi se herpes nije pojavljivao.

  14. Stefan

    Zbog ponovnog straha od korone, od koje su svi oko mene ponovo oboleli, trazio sam u apoteci neki suplement na prirodnoj bazi sto ce mi ojacati imunitet. Dobio sam preporuku za Immuno jer pored biljaka takodje sadrzi i vitamin D3 i vitamin C. I mogu reci da od kada ga pijem da sam zdrav, bez ijedne prehlade.

  15. Jelena

    Na preporuku apotekara, uzela sam da pijem Immuno jer imam problem sa alergijom, alergicna sam na ambroziju. Ispila sam svoju terapiju, dve kapsule dnevno mi je trajalo mesec ipo dana. To je bilo dovoljno da mi se simptomi alergije znacajno smanje. Mnogo sam zadovoljna i zato od tada immuno pijem s vremena na vreme.

  16. Nikola

    Uvek sam imao problem sa slabim imunitetom, narucito u hladnijim mesecima kda bih cesto bio prehladjen. Tražio sam prirodno rešenje koje bi mi pomoglo da ojačam svoj imuni sistem, tako sam naišao na Immuno active. Od kada sam počeo da ga koristim ovaj suplement, primetio sam ogromnu razliku. Osećam se otpornije, ređe se razboljevam, a i kada se to i desi, simptomi su mnogo blaži i brže prolaze.

  17. Lav

    kao dugogodisnji korisnik dodataka prehrani, moram priznati da me Immuno active potpuno odusevio. Ovaj proizvod zaista radi. Od kada sam poceo da ga pijem, primetio sam znacajno poboljsanje u svom imunoloskom sistemu. Ranije sam bio sklon prehladama i virusima, alli ove godine nisam imao nijedan ozbiljan zdravstveni problem.

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