
(17 customer reviews)

42,0 KM

  • A powerful antioxidant.
  • Reduces insulin resistance.
  • Recommended for high blood sugar.
  • Relieves diabetic neuropathy.
  • BAM
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  • USD
SKU: Diabetstop90 Category:
  • 90 hard capsules
  • Food supplement


What is Black Garlic Diabetstop and what is it used for?

BLACK GARLIC DIABETSTOP is a dietary supplement with a very complex composition. It is primarily intended for people suffering from type I and type II diabetes, but also for all other people who have a sugar metabolism disorder, as well as those who have a positive family history of diabetes.

This preparation helps regulate glucose levels, thanks to the presence of fermented garlic, cinnamon, chromium and zinc. Fermented garlic contributes to the normal function of the immune system, helps maintain the health of the heart and blood vessels by maintaining normal levels of cholesterol and homocysteine in the blood. Cinnamon helps maintain normal blood glucose and fat levels, heart and blood vessel health, stimulates appetite, improves digestion and neutralizes gas. Vitamin B6 contributes to normal protein and glycogen metabolism. Also, vitamin B6 together with vitamins B1 and B12 contributes to the normal metabolism of energy production. Folic acid and vitamin B12 play a role in cell division, contribute to reducing fatigue and exhaustion, and vitamin B12 together with vitamins B6 and B1 contribute to the normal functioning of the nervous system. Zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism, normal protein synthesis and cell protection from oxidative stress. Chromium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood glucose levels. Alpha-lipoic acid prevents and reduces the complications of diabetes, such as peripheral nerve damage that manifests as burning, itching, numbness, and pain in the hands and feet. Therefore, all the ingredients in the product act synergistically and contribute to lowering blood glucose levels, participate in the protection of nerves from oxidative stress (prevent the onset of polyneuropathy) and thus delay and prevent complications of diabetes.



Powder of fermented garlic bulb, powder of Ceylon cinnamon bark, alpha-lipoic acid, zinc-citrate-trihydrate, chromium(III)-chloride-hexahydrate, pyridoxine-hydrochloride, thiamin-mononitrate, folic acid, cyanocobalamin, capsule (gelatin, purified water, color: calcium carbonate), anti-caking agents: silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.



1. Powder of fermented garlic bulb;
Powder of ceylon cinnamon bark;
Alpha-lipoic acid;
Vitamin B1;
Vitamin B6;
Vitamin B12;
Folic acid;

How does black garlic work in people with diabetes?

Diabetes mellitus is a global health problem characterized by hyperglycemia, insulin resistance, absolute or relative impairment of insulin secretion, and may be combined. Diabetes mellitus and insulin resistance are closely related to body weight, more and more people have problems with weight gain, which is a risk factor for the development of this disease.

High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) can cause serious complications such as heart disease, kidney failure, and nerve damage, while low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) can cause seizures, fainting, and death. Improper blood sugar levels can cause further complications of diabetes, but studies show that fermented garlic (black garlic) helps regulate blood sugar levels.

The amino acid S-allyl-L-cysteine is an organic compound whose concentration is many times higher in fermented garlic than in fresh garlic. According to the conclusion of a large number of studies, S-allyl-L-cysteine, as the main bioactive compound of black garlic, has the potential to act hypoglycemic (reduces blood sugar levels) and hypolipidemic (reduces blood fat levels) with minimal side effects, which not the case with conventional therapy in the treatment of these conditions. The use of S-allyl-L-cysteine improves both metabolic and vascular changes, which reduces the possibility of various complications. It has been proven to reduce the concentration of glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), urea, creatinine and uric acid. S-allyl-L-cysteine has a positive effect on the level of liver enzymes, so it has been proven to reduce the level of aspartate transaminase (AST), alanine transaminase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). What is particularly interesting, the study that dealt with this investigation compared the laboratory results after treatment with fermented garlic and with the drug, oral antidiabetic, gliclazide, and the results were almost identical, and with the use of fermented garlic, the level of side effects was reduced in the respective to pharmacotherapy. This means that S-allyl-L-cysteine could be considered a reliable agent in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, but the mechanism of action of S-allyl-L-cysteine in such conditions has not yet been accurately defined or investigated.

Very often, the increased level of sugar in the blood is accompanied by an increased level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, control of hyperglycemia (elevated blood sugar level) and hyperlipidemia (elevated blood fat level) is strongly correlated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular complications. Many studies have proven that fermented garlic has the ability to reduce the level of glucose in the blood, increase the level of insulin, and has a favorable effect on the lipid status of an organism (reduces the value of total cholesterol and triglycerides and increases the value of HDL (good) cholesterol), and regulates appetite. It is believed that the antioxidant potential of fermented garlic can help protect an organism from complications that are most often the result of unregulated blood glucose levels. Lactobacillus bulgaricus, a probiotic strain, can improve the antioxidant capacity of fermented garlic in the prevention of gestational diabetes mellitus, this was proven by a study involving 226 women at increased risk for this disease. Thus, studies have shown that black garlic can help regulate blood sugar, reduce the risk of gestational diabetes, and even prevent complications from uncontrolled diabetes.


What is available?

Black Garlic Diabetstop preparation is in the form of hard capsules.

Packages available on the market:
– Package of 90 hard capsules;

A special technology of fermentation and lyophilization is responsible for obtaining high-quality oil extracts that contribute to the high effectiveness of our products. All products from the AlivitPharm brand line are made according to the HACCP, ISO 9001:2015, GMP principles and principles of the HALAL standard.


How to use Black Garlic Diabetstop capsules?

For persons over 14 years of age, it is recommended to use one capsule three times a day, during or after a meal. The product can be taken for a long time. Swallow the entire capsule with liquid.


Precaution and warnings

1. The recommended daily dose must not be exceeded.
2. The product is not intended for persons under the age of 14, people with impaired liver function, pregnant and nursing women.
3. The product must not be used by people who are hypersensitive to any of the product’s ingredients.
4. People taking medications should consult their physician before taking Black Garlic Diabetstop capsules.
5. The capsules must not be used together with medications that prevent blood clotting.
6. Before a scheduled operation, it is necessary to stop using Black Garlic Diabetstop capsules.
7. Diabetics are advised to control their blood sugar level while using the product.


Allergens info

Black Garlic Prostat Plus is gluten free.

Weight 100 g

Reviews (17)

17 reviews for Diabetstop

  1. Miodrag

    Dobio sam dijabetes os stresa i nikako uz prepisanu terapiju nisam mogao da ga vratim u normalu. Lekar mi je preporucio da pocnem uzimati i ovaj suplemet. Posle nedelju dana poceo sam svako jutro da merim secer jer sam se osecao mnogo bolje, i rezultati secera su bili u granicama normale. Nastavicu da ga pijem .

  2. Nebojsa

    Uz prepisanu terapiju apotekarka mi je preporucila i ovaj preparat. Rezulate na bolje sam odmah primetio, secer je u granicama normale zbog cega cu nastaviti da ga pijem.

  3. Milena

    Zaista sam odusevljena ovim prirodnim preparatom. Uz svoju redovnu terapiju htela sam i nesto prirodno da dodam i pronasla sam ovaj suplement koji zaista lepo deluje. Moj secer je sada pod kontrolom.

  4. Marko

    S obzirom da imam neregulisan secer, lekar mi je preporucio ovaj preparat na prirodnoj bazi. Poceo sam da ga pijem i rezultate sam video vec posle prve nedelje koriscenja! Za svaku preporuku!

  5. Filip

    Diabetstop je za mene pravi preokret u kontroli nivoa secera u krvi. Borim se s povremenim skokovima secera i trazio sam prirodan dodatak koji bi mi pomogao da odrzim stabilan nivo. Nakon sto sam poceo da koristim Diabetstop primetio sam znacajna poboljsanja. Najveci plus za mene je sto se osecam mnogo bolje i energicnije.

  6. Milica

    Nakon OGT testa utvrdjeno je da imam insulinsku rezistenciju, kako bih stanje popravila htela sam da probam i sa necim prirodnim. U apoteci su mi preporucili Diabetstop. Pocela sam da ga pijem i da vodim vise racuna o svom zdravlju. Prilikom sledece kontrole koju sam imala, doktorka je bila zadovoljna jer su svi parametri bili u referentnim vrednostima.

  7. Denis

    Zbog secera sam svako jutro pio vodu u kojoj sam stavljao cimet. Jedan dan zena je dobila preporuku za Diabetstop i posebno zbog cega ga je kupila zato sto su joj rekli da u sebi sadrzi cejlonski cimet i zelela je da mi olaksa svakodnevnu rutinu. Poceo sam odmah da ga koristim, i rezultate sam video vec nakon sedam dana, secer u krvi mi je bio pod kontrolom, a ujedno i moj zivot je postao laksi i prakticniji.

  8. Luka

    Lekar mi je preporucio Diabetstop kako bih pojacao dejstvo metformina, jer nisam uspeo da odrzavam nivo secera u normali. Od kada ga pijem uz postojecu terapiju moj nivo secera je pod kontrolom.

  9. Vojislav

    Uz redovnu terapiju, prepisan mi je bio i Diabetstop, kako bih doveo svoje referentne vrednosti secera u krvi u normalu. Konacno mogu reci da mi je nesto na prirodnoj bazi pomoglo. Secer mi je u granicama normale zbog cega se sjajno osecam i naravno zbog cega cu nastaviti da pijem Diabetstop!

  10. Marina

    Utvrdjeno je da imam insulinsku rezistenciju, doktorka mi je uz terapiju prepisala i Diabetstop. Pocela sam da ga pijem i da redovno pratim rezultate. Jako sam zadovoljna jer su rezultati svake nedelje u redu.

  11. Filipa

    Moja baka ima neregulisan secer i pored terapije koje pije. U apoteci su mi preporucili da joj kupim Diabetstop kao prirodan preparat koji ce joj pomoci. Nakon sto je pocela da ga pije, pocela je redovno da kontrolise secer i tako je uvidela da joj suplement pomaze. Secer joj je konacno dosao u granicama referentne vrednosti.

  12. Slavica

    Pre par godina otkriveno je da imam secer. Od tada ga ne mogu dovesti u referentnim vrednostima. Kad sam otisla na pregled kod lekara, prepisao mi je ovaj suplement. Uzela sam da ga pijem i da redovno merim secer. Napokon mogu reci da sam nasla preparat koji mi pomaze uz redovnu terapiju, koji odrzava moj secer u granicama normale!

  13. Vujadin

    Secer mi je bio neregulisan i sa terapijom koju sam pio godinama. Doktor mi je prepisao Diabetstop. Prijatno iznenadjenje je bilo za mene, secer se konacno regulisao, zbog cega se osecam odlicno.

  14. Aleksandar

    Cerka mi je donela Diabetstop jer imam dijabetes. Pijem lekove, ali vecinom vremena moj secer nije pod kontrolom. Donela mi je ovaj preparat kako bih ga pio uz terapiju. Poceo sam da ga pijem i nakon mesec dana moj secer je doveden u normalu. Preporucujem ga zato svima!

  15. Goran

    Kao osoba koja se vec godinama bori sa visokim nivoom secera u krvi, stalno sam tragao za prirodnim resenjima koja bi mi pomogla da bolje kontrolisem stanje. Kada sam cuo za diabetstop, odlucio sam da mu dam sansu, posebno jer mi se svidela ideja o prirodnom regulisanju secera u krvi. Posle nekoliko nedelja koriscenja diabetstopa, primetio sam znacajne promene. Moji rezultati krvi su se stabilizovali, a nivo secera je sada u granicama normale.

  16. Aleksej

    Nakon što su mi dijagnostikovali predijabetes, bio sam uplašen i zabrinut za svoje zdravlje. Lekar mi je preporučio promenu načina ishrane i više fizičke aktivnosti, ali sam želeo i dodatnu podršku u održavanju normalnog nivoa šećera u krvi. Tako sam otkrio u apoteci Diabetstop.Koristim Diabetstop već tri meseca i rezultati su fantastični! Redovno pratim nivo šećera u krvi, i od kada sam počeo sa Diabetstopom, vrednosti su postale stabilne i u normalnim granicama. Ako se borite sa povišenim šećerom u krvi, toplo preporučujem Diabetstop.

  17. Bora

    Zbog nekontrolisanog secera, doktor mi je uz regularnu terapiju preporucio Diabetstop. Koristim ga vec dva meseca, i mogu reci da je za svaku preporuku. Secer mi je sada u granicama normale, zbog cega mi je zivot postao mnogo laksi!

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