- 90 меки желатинови капсули
- Хранителна добавка
Какво представлява Fresh Garlic Alisept и за какво се използва?
FRESH GARLIC ALISEPT на капсули съдържа билки, които се препоръчват за облекчаване на възпаления и бактериални инфекции на пикочните пътища, а също така могат да се използват и като профилактика при хора, склонни към чести уринарни инфекции. Маслени екстракти от пресен чесън, билка риган, плод дрян и плод червена боровинка с широкоспектърно антимикробно, противовъзпалително и антисептично действие позволяват преодоляване на уринарни инфекции, причинени от различни видове микроорганизми, особено Escherichia coli. Листа от магданоз и корен от хрян улесняват отделянето на урина с диуретичен ефект, предотвратяват образуването на камъни в бъбреците и допринасят за нормализиране на работата на пикочните пътища. Със своя спазмолитичен ефект, ментата облекчава спазми и болки, причинени от възпаление на пикочния мехур и пикочните пътища.
Маслен екстракт от луковица пресен чесън рапично масло, маслен екстракт от лист магданоз рапично масло, маслен екстракт от билка риган рапично масло, маслен екстракт от плодове на дрян рапично масло, маслен екстракт от корен на хрян рапично масло, маслен екстракт от клюква плодове рапично масло, маслен екстракт от листа на мента в рапично масло, телешки желатин, вещество за задържане на влага: глицерол, пречистена вода, антиоксидант: DL-α-токоферил ацетат.
1. Маслен екстракт от луковица пресен чесън рапично масло;
2. Маслен екстракт от лист магданоз рапично масло;
3. Маслен екстракт от билка риган рапично масло;
4. Маслен екстракт от плодове на дрян рапично масло;
5. Маслен екстракт от корен на хрян рапично масло;
6. Маслен екстракт от клюква плодове рапично масло;
7. Маслен екстракт от листа на мента рапично масло;
Какво е налично?
Fresh Garlic Alisept е под формата на меки желатинови капсули.
Налични пакети на пазара:
– Опаковка от 90 меки желатинови капсули;
Специална технология на ферментация и екстракция е отговорна за получаването на висококачествени маслени екстракти, които допринасят за високата ефективност на нашите продукти. Всички продукти от линията на марката AlivitPharm са произведени в съответствие с принципите на HACCP, принципите на ISO 9001:2015, GMP и HALAL стандартите.
Как да използвате Fresh Garlic Alisept капсули?
За лица над 12 години се препоръчва прием на една капсула три пъти дневно по време или след хранене. Поглъщайте цялата капсула с течност. Продуктът може да се използва и от хора, страдащи от диабет. Fresh Garlic Alisept трябва да се приемат продължително време.
Предпазни мерки и предупреждения
1. Препоръчителната дневна доза не трябва да се превишава.
2. Продуктът не е предназначен за бременни и кърмещи жени.
3. Продуктът не трябва да се използва от хора със свръхчувствителност към някоя от съставките на продукта.
4. Хората, приемащи лекарства, трябва да се консултират с лекаря си, преди да приемат Fresh Garlic Alisept на капсули.
5. Продуктът не трябва да се използва заедно с лекарства, които предотвратяват съсирването на кръвта.
6. Преди планова операция е необходимо да спрете приема на Fresh Garlic Alisept меки капсули.
Информация за алергени
Fresh Garlic Alisept не съдържа глутен.
Mirjana, Mostar –
All the praise for this product… I had pain in the lower part of the stomach, the urine was dark red… At the fair in Mostar, I happened to see some black boxes, I looked and saw tablets. That’s where I bought these (the only red ones), just to try… Really guys, this helped me… After three days, I already felt relief. After 10 days, everything passed… But I took the whole box just in case… I wish you the best of luck… Although effective products easily find their way to the customer. All the best!
Nada –
I’m using it, because I felt the effects of the catheter after the caesarean section as soon as I left the hospital. I recommend it to everyone, and I still use it sometimes preventively and sometimes therapeutically. He helped my father-in-law, who was seriously ill and took a handful of medicines, so that he did not have to take antibiotics. It’s excellent.
Jasmina –
Due to weaker immunity and tendency to infections, the doctor recommended this product to me as a preventive measure. I started drinking it and after a few days I went on vacation. I came back very happy because for the first time in my life I did not get a urinary infection and the vacation passed without worries.
Katarina –
The doctor recommended me to take this supplement along with the medication because I got a urinary infection that needs more time to heal. As I took antibiotics and took Alisept every day, I cured the infection. I am delighted because this is the first time I have had an infection resolved so quickly!
Nevena –
The drop in immunity caused me a urinary infection. Since I wanted to try something natural first, the pharmacist recommended me to take Alisept because it also contains cranberry. I took one bottle and the infection went away. That’s why I recommend Alisept to all my friends!
Vanja –
I felt a slight burning sensation when urinating, I immediately went to the pharmacy to first take some natural product with cranberry to see if it would help me. The pharmacist recommended Alisept to me because it contains cranberry, as well as other herbs that solve my problems. I immediately noticed an improvement, which is why I finished the therapy as a preventive measure.
Violeta –
Eserichia came to me again. I received therapy from the doctor, along with antibiotics, he also recommended Alisept, because it naturally enhances the effect of antibiotics. For the first time in my life, I quickly and simply solved Eserichia!
Ekatarina –
I often had a problem with candida, the last time I used Alisept along with my regular therapy, the candida was cured very quickly. That’s why I now take this supplement as a preventive measure.
Una –
I have been fighting Eserichia for months, when my immunity drops a little, it reappears. I received a recommendation from the pharmacist to buy Alisept and together with it Immuno Active, in order to improve my overall immunity. I can say that I am finally satisfied with the supplement, Eserichia has gone away, and I will be taking both Alisept and Immuno Active as a preventive measure, so that I don’t have urinary problems.
Lora –
Candida came back often. The pharmacist recommended me Alisept along with therapy. The results were immediately visible. Candida went away, but even after that I continued to take it to strengthen my immunity.
Ivana –
After a gynecological examination, I was diagnosed with candida. In addition to drug therapy, the doctor also prescribed Alisept. After taking the therapy, the candida disappeared!
Kosta –
I got a urinary infection, at the pharmacy they gave me Alisept. I started taking it, and after I took the monthly therapy, I did the analysis again. The infection disappeared thanks to this product!
Helena –
After a doctor’s examination, it was found that I have a urinary infection. I was prescribed Alisept as a therapy that will help me. Since I started taking it, I felt an improvement after a few days, and when I went for a check-up, my urinary infection disappeared.
Irena –
After trying Alisept, I can say that I am extremely satisfied with the results. The first thing I liked was that this supplement is natural and effective in the fight against urinary infections. Already after a few days of use, I noticed a significant improvement – symptoms such as burning and frequent urination decreased, and the general condition improved. Alisept is easy to swallow and does not cause any side effects. I recommend it to everyone!
Dejana –
Due to frequent problems with urinary infections, I looked for a natural preparation at the pharmacy. Alisept was recommended to me. I started taking it and monitoring the condition. After three months, the results were all within the reference values, I no longer had a urinary infection.
Branka –
Alisept is a fantastic supplement that has helped me significantly in the fight against urinary infections. After I started taking this product regularly, I noticed a reduction in symptoms after only a few days. No more discomfort, burning, or frequent trips to the toilet. What I particularly like about Alisept is the natural composition, which includes carefully selected plant extracts, known for their antibacterial properties. In addition to working quickly, it is also gentle on the stomach and has not caused any unwanted reactions. I recommend it to anyone who struggles with urinary problems, as it really provides relief and contributes to the long-term health of the urinary tract.